Miyerkules, Hunyo 3, 2015

How to make money online.

Simple methods to make money online.

1. You can use social media to advertise the products that you are selling.
2. Do movie reviews.
*I'm sure you like the life where you just watch movie and get paid? Now do a blog and do movie reviews. And share it to your social media accounts and ask your friends to view and share it.
3. Do comedy videos, fast way to make yourself famous and sell something, they will buy it because you're using it.
4.Cover songs, but you're not pretty sure with it because people are just mesmerized by good face not by good voice.
5. Make jokes
6.Do blogs.
7.Sell videos.
8. Be famous in social media and ask bloggers to pay you to share their blog post.
9. Hoax people, post a blog where you are saying certain celebrity died, your blog views will boost for a while, while many people will hate you(PS they don't know who you are, they will just hate your blog, but atleast you make money.
10. Fastest way to make money online? scam! HAHA Although that's bad! 

Share and make money online, Do blogs though!

Eldest Problems

I'm starting to hate being the eldest son in my family, is it because I just can't please my parents or I'm to lazy to do things. It's hard to please parents? why? let me show you.

I sell fruit shakes and siomai in front of our house and it's tiring and I can't have money on my own on that because they are getting the money i'm earning in there, then they want me to work instead? for what? so they can take all my money again? I hate it, and I even need to sacrifice my studies. I'm just trying to make my money here and they are borrowing it always and not giving it back. It's hard and tiring but at the end as the eldest you need to sacrifice and you're always wrong.