Miyerkules, Agosto 5, 2015

Love as an Inspiration

First this past few weeks, I'm doing nothing. as in nothing. I'm doing boring life, surfing the internet, playing Nba2k, sleeping late because of my laptop. My life become so boring this past few months. I'm not studying, unemployed because I'm just 19. I'm a church worker so technically I work for church. As a volunteer. I teach kids every saturday, well it's better if I say "we" because I have a partner who is so Beautiful, mesmerizing, and time stopper ( Because whenever I see her, it's like heaven, like in the movies when the girl moves in slow motion) I think I love her, no! I know I love her.

So now I decided to tell her how much I love her, last april 28. I was so nervous and shy thinking that what if she rejects me or doesn't want me, but I think if I didn't say this feelings to her I already blew my chance, but if I said it to her and I got rejected it's fine, at least I tried. So to make the long thinking story shorter I decided to tell her. So I tell her when we were at their house, at first she felt awkward but now it's so cool that we are so close and I can tell her if I'm jealous with some other Guy. Right now, we're just waiting for the time that I'm going to graduate college. She inspires me to finish my studies.

Just to tell you guys, you just need to try, there's no dying in trying, just try. If you don't try you are already beaten, you lost. But if you try well, you can win and there's no lost, just lesson. I hope my love story inspire you. I will keep you updated on what's going on. And last thought if you feel nothing is happening in your life, God will use people to inspire you. :)

I love her so much! :)

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